james is the founder of haight st shroom shop and decrimSF.org.

The idea of Haight Street Shroom Shop was conceived after James’ wife was diagnosed with Stage 2B breast cancer. A conversation with an old friend turned James onto the work and research of renowned mycologist Paul Stamets. After watching Stamets’ TED talk on his mother’s very similar diagnosis and treatment for breast cancer, James began his wife on a regimen of Turkey Tail mushrooms during her year of active treatment. Her immunity - helped by the Turkey Tails - remained strong during treatment, and James was hooked.


During the cancer treatment, James learned about a study at Johns Hopkins with cancer patients and Psilocybin mushrooms. The hypothesis was that the post Psilocybin “transformative” experience might help patients deal with the anxiety and fear of death common during cancer treatment.

Soon after, James found an opportunity to work with Psilocybin mushrooms for his own anxiety and fear of losing his partner. With an experienced guide and calm setting, he had his own transformative experiences. His depression and anxiety went away. He founded “Decriminalize San Francisco” so that more people may be able to access any mushroom for help with mental health.


James founded the Haight Street Shroom Shoppe and DecrimSF.org to educate and enable access to the power of mushrooms. He currently works with “One Vet, One Voice” to advance the cause of veterans’ mental health in combination with mushroom medicine.

HSSS Shop & lab space

Open by appointment only.

Please note that there are no illegal mushrooms provided or grown at the shop.

2080 Hayes St.
San Francisco, CA 94117

An initial 30 minute phone call ($50) is required to assess any further scheduling needs.
